Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: No, only current NSW employees can access and request NSW Imagery as managed by the NSW Imagery Hub.
Answer: Yes, please reach out to the team at [email protected] for imagery requests and questions.
Answer: Yes, all NSW local councils have access to all available imagery sources.
Answer: Email [email protected] with an area of interest, timeframe and type of imagery you require.
Answer: No, this is currently a free service, however there is an approval process. Please email [email protected] for more information. Note tasking Skysat is most suitable for areas under 100sqkm; areas larger than this are difficult to capture over the same time period.
Answer: Currently SPOT at 1.5m, but Triplesat is 0.8m resolution and this is going to be delivered in June 2024.
Answer: Mid - late 2024
Answer: Our Landsat imagery archive goes back to 1988, but our higher resolution imagery such as SPOT was first acquired in 2008.
Answer: No, the NSW Imagery Hub has a limited amount of Planetscope downloads and Skysat taskings.
Answer: The spatial imagery team can provide fact sheets and guides on how to access via WMS.
Answer: Yes, send an email to [email protected] and we can download for you.
Answer: For limited time - duration of project and only for a specific NSW Gov project. Please email [email protected] for more information.
Answer: PlanetScope resolution is 3m and SkySat is 0.5m.
Answer: Planet has an API that you can use to search, filter and view tile previews etc. Please see for more information and of course you can contact us on [email protected].
Answer: Generally pansharpened imagery is provided. But if a user has some special needs such as surface reflectance, radiance or raw data, then that could also be provided.